Title: wanted: love
Rating: G
Fandom: Highway Blossoms
Relationship: Amber/Marina
Wordcount: 250
Short summary: Amber has fallen in love with Marina, and she wants…

One month ago, one week ago… hell, one day ago, Amber wouldn’t have imagined herself in this situation - driving all over the southwest in a motorhome with a cute girl beside her.

The cutest girl she could have ever picked up. Literally. It’s crazy to think about.

And what a pick up. Amber has done some extraordinary things for previous cute girls, things that are best kept as memories from a foolish time. But this takes the cake. Going after some old man’s secret treasure in what seemed like the biggest scam but somehow was legit. Sneaking about, breaking laws, competing against the biggest bitch Amber has had the displeasure of knowing…

Maybe it’s just a convenient time and place, but Marina is like the shining beacon that Amber encountered while adrift, even if Marina was initially the one stranded and Amber the one who found her…

Love has warped her view. Amber has reluctantly acknowledged that she loves Marina. But how does Marina feel?

I want you to love me.

Amber doesn’t know any of Marina’s history with love. Hell, she doesn’t even know if Marina likes girls like that. Like in a way that would match that of Amber. And so far, all the things she’s learned about Marina suggests a rather sheltered life… She might just not know.

Yet Amber wants. Wants to bring Marina close, wants to kiss her. Wants to touch her, wants to feel her. She wants love.

(To chase away the loneliness?)

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