Title: rising above
Rating: G
Relationship: Sunohara Mei & Sunohara Youhei
Wordcount: 885
Short summary: Some things have changed for the better, but some (good) things will stay the same. At least that’s how Mei sees it.

“You’ve changed.”

With dark hair, straight posture, and a pressed suit, one could assume the person in front of her was a normal adult man. One might not imagine that just nine months ago, said person had blonde hair, lazy posture, and barely any clean clothes. One might not imagine such a business-like person used to consistently skip classes and consistently say inappropriate thoughts about women.

“Of course. Not like I had a choice.”

His voice has even changed a bit too. Not quite in pitch but definitely a bit in volume. It is softer, gentler. One might not realize the person in front of her is Sunohara Youhei, the one and only big brother to Sunohara Mei.

So she teases him a little. “It feels like you could protect me once more. If that time came.”

Youhei shakes his head. “I’m not that kind of guy…”

He trails off but Mei knows what he means. He’s calmed down since that time… He’ll no longer fly off his handle at any word that someone is making Mei suffer. Which is good because…

“I don’t have to worry about you anymore. I’m glad.”

She flashes her brother a big smile which only leads to him grumbling. “Why were you wasting time worrying about me anyway… But I guess it’s nice to hear that from someone.”

The latter part makes Mei frown a little. “You mean…”

“Of course she’s more important.” Youhei shrugs. “If I had a girl like that I’d be even more dedicated than he is. And it wasn’t like we would have stuck together after high school. I was always going to come back here. Still…”

Okazaki. That was her brother’s best friend in high school. Mei only met him once, about a year ago. She shared her worries over her big brother with him, learned just how poorly said brother was doing, and yet she knew it was going to be alright after all. Because Okazaki was a good guy and his soon-to-be girlfriend Nagisa was so sweet and cute. Too bad it seems that Nagisa struggles with illness, meaning Okazaki spent more and more time at her side and away from her brother, and he didn’t get to see just how mature her brother turned out…

But Mei sees the fruits of his change, and she is not shy to say so. “You stayed until the end. I’m proud of you, Brother.”

“Thanks.” Youhei scratches the back of his head in embarrassment. “You better keep up with school too, Mei.”

Mei giggles. Her brother, the former delinquent, lecturing her about school? “Oh, I’m doing just fine.” She grins. “Let’s go see them again, sometime.”

She does want to see Okazaki and Nagisa, to thank them for the good memories that one time, but also to show them that her brother turned out all right. Being proud of her brother is something natural for a younger sister, right?


“He’s still an asshole but… I’m glad. He deserves something good. She always did, of course. No one can beat Nagisa.”

It took a little longer than expected for Mei and her brother to see Okazaki and Nagisa again. Frankly Mei is still feeling the moment of Nagisa’s graduation ceremony. She wonders if she’ll have some of that same feeling when she attends her own high school graduation in a couple of years…

“Oh, so that’s still your type, Brother?” Mei teases. She knows his focus has been on staying on track at work and not on romance.

“Shut up!” Youhei shouts before shaking his head. It had been funny to see her brother flare up, though. Really, despite not seeing each other for a year, those two easily fell into the same rhythm. “I know she and he are meant to be. Still can’t help but be jealous though.”

Mei nods. She’s jealous of Okazaki a little too. Nagisa is still so cute! She decides to give her brother a little slack. “It was good to see them.”

“Yeah. It was great to see everyone.” Youhei chuckles. “High school wasn’t so bad after all.”

Mei almost chokes hearing those words out of his mouth. Her big brother saying something nice about high school? Must be the influence of Okazaki and Nagisa after all.

“It’s going well for you, right Mei?”

Mei grins. “Of course! I’m having lots of fun.” She even gives him a V-sign.

It provokes a sigh. “Not too much fun hopefully. I’m too busy at work to go over there and beat up some guys.”

“But you would come, if I needed you to?” Mei asks, using her cute little sister voice, somewhat teasing and somewhat serious.

Another sigh. “Yeah, I guess so.”

Well, she should have figured her brother wouldn’t quite pick up on her signals. “Hmph. Just say yes,” she mutters with a little pout. What’s the point of acting “cool” right now? She presses a little further. “Am I allowed to visit you?”

Youhei scowls. “Only once you’ve finished high school. It’s no place for kids.”

“Hey!” But Mei can’t help but laugh. Yes, she’s still in her first year of high school after all. Plenty of time to grow and mature. Just look at how her brother turned out… Her one and only, big, best brother!

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