Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Ladies Bingo Round 10

Ladies Bingo is hosted at https://ladiesbingo.dreamwidth.org/. This is my table and my fills for Round 10.

Bread and Circuses Retirement Explorer Mutation / Transformation Decay
Loss of Faith A Murder to Solve Sphinxes and Chimerae Romance Episode Tags and Missing Scenes
Abduction and kidnapping Habits and Routines Wild Card Seasons of Mists (Autumn, Colours,
Sensations, Activities and Festivals)
Plays and Scripts
Found Families Laboratory Trapped! Homesickness Cuddles and Snuggles
Sensual Pleasures Neon Lost and Found Ship and Captain / Mount and Rider I am your father/mother

Found Families
Title: to be here…
Rating: G
Fandom: Akiba's Beat
Relationship: Ecstasia Akemi & Saotome Kanata
Wordcount: 630
Short summary: Even now, Kanata’s “home” is Violet Eden.

Title: what one would call “happiness”
Rating: G
Fandom: GrimGrimoire
Relationship: Amoretta Virgine & Tahlea
Wordcount: 665
Short summary: The next time Lillet makes a trip to the Tower of Silver Star magic school, Amoretta makes sure to come along so she can talk to her “sister”, Tahlea.

Title: if one was to be trapped with someone else…
Rating: G
Fandom: Witch on the Holy Night
Relationship: Aozaki Aoko & Kuonji Alice
Wordcount: 600
Short summary: If Aoko was trapped with someone, she’d want it to be Alice. If Alice was trapped with someone, she’s not sure she’d want it to be Aoko.

Title: even just for hugs
Rating: G
Fandom: Ar tonelico, specifically AT3
Relationship: Cocona Bartel/Sasha
Wordcount: 593
Short summary: Cocona stops by Sasha’s store, surprising her with a sudden hug. It appears she is quite homesick.

Cuddles and Snuggles
Title: needy
Rating: T
Fandom: Starlight Vega
Relationship: Lyria/Aria Reid
Wordcount: 729
Short summary: Aria didn’t think she was a particularly needy person, but maybe she feels that when Lyria is away for too long…

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