Title: all about...
Rating: G
Fandom: Nayuta no Kiseki
Relationship: Lyra Barton/Creha Rem Ordine
Wordcount: 1146
Short summary: Lyra’s been thinking lately about her feelings, although it’s become more complicated due to the person that’s next to her.

“Lyra, you’re frowning again.”


Lyra turns around and finds Creha looking at her, head cocked to the side. How did Creha even know that Lyra had been frowning, considering Lyra had been facing the other way, looking out at the sea, thinking about…

“Is something wrong?”

“N-nothing you need to be concerned about!”

Really, Creha should…stop looking at Lyra like that. It’s annoying, because it’s just…too good. Creha is just good at everything: good at being kind, good at being helpful, good at being beautiful. No wonder Nayuta became fixated on her, no wonder Eartha took her under her wing, no wonder Lyra also...wishes she could be more like her.

Creha’s basically perfect. Even after spending time with her for 6 months, Lyra hasn’t found a single flaw. It’s just not fair!

“Okay…” The quiet voice makes Lyra blink out of her inner thoughts. Creha is looking down at her hands, those slender fingers curled around each other in a nervous gesture. Seeing Creha like this makes Lyra feel guilty.

“Okay fine.” Lyra sighs. She supposes she had kept Creha waiting while she had been going on her inner monologue. She gives in because she can’t stand seeing Creha with that look on her face.

“I’m just…thinking…about him and…”

She trails off awkwardly, not exactly knowing how to finish that sentence. She waves her arms a bit, hoping that with some flailing Creha can just read her mind and drop the subject.

“About Nayuta. You miss Nayuta.”

Creha did read Lyra’s mind, sort of. She didn’t get the “drop the subject” part though, instead looking at Lyra for confirmation. “Y-yeah, I do, but…”


But it’s not that simple? How does she even talk to her…love rival? Is it even a rivalry? Now that she thinks about it, Lyra doesn’t know at all.

“Creha, do you like Nayuta?”

Lyra is nervous to hear the answer, holds her breath. She needs to know but she’s not sure she’ll like the answer.

“I do.” Creha smiles and Lyra nearly chokes. “He’s very nice. I’m glad we are friends.”

Lyra relaxes so fully she nearly topples forward. Hearing Creha say they are ‘friends’ is such a relief to Lyra. But then she realizes it doesn’t mean much. Nayuta has always been oblivious. Perhaps, like Lyra, Creha is… “Do you feel…more? For him?”

“More?” Creha frowns. “I don’t know. Why?”

“It’s just…” Lyra bites her lip. Well, what does she have to lose? “I have always liked him, you know? And I know he’s never liked me…in that way anyway…”

“In that way?” Creha’s brow is still furrowed. She’s still clearly confused.

Lyra sighs. “Love, you know? Romantic love?”

“Oh.” Creha blinks. “I don’t know anything about that.”

“You never…” Lyra is almost about to laugh about Creha’s naivete until she suddenly remembers the reason why Creha might not know and feels her stomach drop. “Never mind, sorry.”

A moment of silence passes. Lyra is about to say something silly, anything to break the mood when Creha speaks up.

“Lyra, I want to know.” Lyra is the one confused now. Creha takes a moment to breathe then restates her request. “I want to know what it’s like to be in love romantically.”

Lyra blushes. Creha is so forthright and with those shining eyes… “Err, well, maybe I wouldn’t be the best…” Hasn’t everything Lyra just said to Creha before been a big jumbled mess?

Creha grabs onto Lyra’s sleeve, though, tugging it lightly. “I want to learn from you. Because I want to get closer to you. Because I like you.”

“Creha? I…um…” Lyra’s face is so warm right now, she could probably cook some eggs on it. What is she supposed to do? She’s never been confessed to like this! It’s almost more embarrassing to be confessed to, or maybe it’s more exciting? Lyra doesn’t know, but what she does know is…

“I like you too.” She knows she likes Creha. She doesn’t know how it compares to liking Nayuta. If it’s the same, if it’s different… Lyra knows for sure that she doesn’t like the thought of Creha going away, now that they’ve become…close…and would miss her more than Nayuta at this point, probably. “That’s why I’m confused but…”


Lyra takes a deep breath. Creha asked for help; she’s supposed to be helping Creha, but instead she’s been lost in her own head again! It’s time…for a change of pace. That’s the only solution Lyra can think of right now.


Lyra gives Creha her most reassuring smile. “It’s fine.” She even takes Creha’s hand, tangles their fingers together even if she might be a little hot and sweaty. Creha doesn’t seem to mind, though.

“Anyway why don’t we see if Eartha’s free? Maybe we can make cookies together.”

Creha nods. “Okay!”

Creha holding her hand, smiling, while walking beside her… Lyra doesn’t have the brain to put it all together yet, but it feels nice. It feels good.


“Something seems different.”

Lyra and Creha had come to greet Signa and Nayuta acting how they normally did, so at first Lyra is confused by Signa’s words. Then he gestures at her and Creha’s joined hands and Lyra blushes. Oh yeah, that. Lyra and Creha had been dating for a few months already, so she kind of forgot that Signa wouldn’t know.


“It seems like you guys had a good time too.”

“Yes.” Of course Creha is able to answer calmly while Lyra stands there mouth open unable to form coherent words. “Welcome back, Signa, Nayuta.”

“You guys look good,” Nayuta replies. When Lyra blushes even harder at that, Nayuta frowns. “Did I say something weird?”

Signa laughs. “No, you just spoke the truth.” He turns back to Creha and Lyra. “Anyway I better drop off my stuff at Orbus’ place. See you later at Nayuta’s house?” He nudges Nayuta. “You come too. Master will want to see you.”

Creha nodded. “We’ll cook something nice for you two.”

Signa grins back. “Looking forward to it.” He takes Nayuta by the arm and starts to drag him away.

“Wait, I’m confused…” But Nayuta’s words are only answered with more laughs from Signa.

Turning her attention back to Lyra, Creha squeezes Lyra’s hand. “Shall we get ready then?”

Lyra nods. “Yes.”

There are things besides food that Lyra will need to get ready for, but she knows it’ll be fine with Creha holding her hand, smiling, and supporting her. It is kind of funny that they’ll be catching up and having this conversation in Nayuta’s house, but… Honestly, this all happened because of Nayuta. Not just because Nayuta is one big blockhead, but he brought Noi here, he brought Creha here. She’ll thank him later and he won’t understand, but that’s fine. It might have been about Nayuta before, but now it’s firmly, squarely, all about Creha.

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