Title: [impos -sible- ter]
Rating: G
Fandom: Kiseki, specifically Kuro no Kiseki
Relationship: Nina Fenly/Judith Ranster
Wordcount: 333
Short summary: To Nina, Judith is just mere footsteps away. But there is a gap (Nina will make sure remains) between them, because...

Nina plays dumb as she hears footsteps go past her door, as if her dormmate Judith is not returning here at this late hour after a night mission and too tired to disguise herself properly. She plays dumb but anyone who is as close to Judith as she is would know what is going on.

Well, “close” in the sense that she too is an inhabitant of the “underworld”, but not “close” as in a relationship, even if some people think they might be. Even if Nina would like them to be.

But how can she ask of such things of Judith? Judith plays multiple roles but in each role she is completely genuine. The actress crying on screen is truly crying from her heart. The woman next door is truly annoyed when the dormitory makes them go on a diet and truly delighted when they are allowed to sneak out for desserts. Grimcats is truly strong and quick and a fierce protector of women.

As for Nina? Nina’s an imposter. She’s playing at being a real person. She’s playing at feeling emotions. She’s playing at being Judith’s friend.

When push comes to shove Nina has her job and she will do it. But recently she has started to feel a little…uncomfortable…inside. Inside she feels both pain and warmth, as if her heart is living and breathing like its own person. A different person than the “Nina” everyone knows. A different person even than the “schoolgirl” who loves movies or the “street performer” singing her own songs.

She knows Van might understand, being who he is. But she still gravitates towards Judith, wanting to tell her, wanting not to tell her… Because she knows Judith would do something about it, as protective as Judith is, and…

Nina wants to keep what they have right now. It’s one of her few treasures.

(But maybe she does having fleeting moments imagining Judith’s face a little closer, Judith’s eyes on her, Judith’s hands and Judith’s mouth…)

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