Title: 30 is still immature
Rating: T
Fandom: Slow Damage
Relationship: Fujieda Ryo/Towa
Wordcount: 648
Short summary: Towa comes home to Ryo’s planned celebration of Towa’s 30th birthday. He modifies those plans.

“What the fuck.”

Immediately Towa knows something is wrong with their apartment as soon as he opens the door and walks inside. First off, it’s neither brightly lit or completely dark but rather this weird, in-between state with soft lighting from candles of all things. Second, the dining table is mostly clear when normally half of it houses Ryo’s papers, and instead on it is a vase of red roses and a circular-shaped, sugary sweet-smelling object. A fucking birthday cake of all things.

“Welcome home.” And there is Ryo, in a button-down shirt and slacks with his suit jacket somewhere not important right now, standing up from the sofa and giving Towa a broad smile.

“Get that out of here.” Towa motions at the whole table but it is pretty clear he means the cake.

Ryo laughs. “I knew you’d hate it.” He walks straight towards Towa and pulls Towa into an embrace. “Happy birthday, Towa.”

“You did this on purpose.” Towa bites Ryo’s ear.

“Because now you’ve reached the old age of 30.”

“As if you aren’t older.”

“Well, yes. Welcome to the club.”

Towa sighs. Of course Ryo is always ready to say the last word. If his smirk wasn’t so attractive, Towa might have already decked him by now. Well, actually a few years ago Towa would have decked Ryo because his smirk was attractive, but now… Towa supposes he is 30…

“So what does turning 30 really mean? I’ve become ‘ordinary’? You will no longer fuck me in the shower?”

Ryo responds by forcing Towa’s head back and capturing Towa’s mouth in a deep kiss. His tongue invades Towa’s mouth and plunders without abandon. It could not be more obvious what his feelings on this subject are.

“It’s much easier than having to clean the sheets.”

Ryo tries to maintain a straight face, but he’s gotten worse at it with age. Or maybe, because they’ve been in a relationship for 3 years already, Towa can read his tells or force him to open up with a touch at the right place and right moment…

“Oh yeah?”

And with his voice. Towa loves how Ryo shivers at it. He loves goading Ryo and drawing out Ryo’s rougher side. While Ryo has slowly worn Towa down into enjoying “vanilla” sex occasionally, Towa still can get his way. And he rather have a rough pounding than a fluffy cake.

Wait, cake. There is something Towa could do with that cake. He may have turned 30, but he’s still making up for that childhood he never had.


Ryo’s look of concern comes too late, for Towa picks up the cake and smashes it into Ryo’s face before Ryo can even attempt to dodge. Although most of the cake slides down to the floor, the icing stays stuck to Ryo’s face. It looks so bad that Towa can’t help his hearty laugh.


Towa is pulled in for a quick messy kiss in revenge. And yes, icing gets on his face and it is sickly sweet, but Towa still keeps laughing. Serves Ryo right, thinking he can piss Towa off with no consequences…

“Ugh, I’m going to the bathroom to wash my face.” Ryo wipes some of the icing off with the back of his left hand but still grimaces.

“And take a shower?” Towa has an agenda, and he will see it through.

Ryo huffs. “And take a shower.”

Ryo doesn’t look back to see if Towa is following him, but he doesn’t close the door. Towa hums as he cleans the cake off the floor and puts it in the trash. Yeah, Rei would be pissed if he learned how Towa used the cake. But that can be a future problem. Towa has a place he should be right now – a shower with his hot lover and a scenario to keep. Happy birthday to him, indeed.

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