Title: All About Ash
Rating: T
Fandom: Kiseki, specifically Hajimari no Kiseki
Relationship: none
Wordcount: 1000
Short summary: 10 x 100. 10 conversations Ash has after he decides to stay in school.
Ash sits down on his bed and yawns. He’s exhausted from the whole day and that party afterwards. Across the room Gustaf also yawns. Speaking of his roommate…
“You missed your chance to have this room all to yourself,” Ash notes.
Gustaf shakes his head. “It’d be lonely.”
Gustaf smiles. “It’s nice having you around. Livelier.”
Livelier? Ash laughs. “More like Sidney comes by and makes too much of a racket.”
Gustaf chuckles. “But you enjoy it.”
“Yeah.” Ash can admit that hanging out with the guys, sharing gravure mags, playing card games… He would’ve missed doing all that.
The next morning Ash wakes up early so he heads to the literature club room. Tatiana is already there and greets him with a smile.
“Ash, I’m so happy you’re staying!” She claps her hands together. “I was worried…”
“Was I really that obvious?” Ash wonders about his poker face.
“Well, I’m always watching you.”
“Huh?” That sounded creepy.
Tatiana blushes. “I mean, you’re important to me. You’ve helped me so much, but I’ve never repaid the favor…”
“Tatiana…” Ash smiles. “Thanks for looking out for me.”
“I’ll definitely continue to!”
Ash nods. He’ll keep looking out for her too.
“Mr. President!”
Ash twitches as Musse approaches with her sing-song voice. “Ugh, don’t use that tone with me, it’s gross.” Also it’s only been less than a day, what the hell?
Musse pouts. “But I need your advice, Mr. President!”
Ash grumbles. “You’re just messing with me.”
Musse giggles, ignoring his complaint. “How do I get Rean to fall for me?”
Ash pauses. “What the hell are you implying Egret?”
“It was touching how he convinced you to stay, right?”
“I don’t like where your thoughts are going.” Ash is really suspicious now. He better book it out of here.
Ash is saved by Juna. He won’t thank her for this, though. “What’s up, Crawford?”
“The instructors are asking for you.”
Ash raises an eyebrow. “And you’re their gopher?”
“Shut it, Ash. Just come already.”
Ash shrugs. “Sure.”
As they walk towards the instructor’s office, Juna can’t stop twitching. Finally Ash has to say something.
“You got something to say, Crawford? Just say it already.”
“Ash…” Juna sighs. “You’re such a pain, you know? But…” She looks away. “It wouldn’t be the same here without you.”
Ash laughs. Seriously, what a tsundere. “Same here.”
Not that he’s any better…
A few days later, Ash invites Kurt out for drinks. After all he owes Kurt after the many times Kurt covered his ass in battle.
“Cheers!” With colas in hand, they toast.
Afterwards Ash remarks, “You know, you coulda been the only guy in a class of girls.”
Kurt frowns. “Well, about that…”
Ash laughs. “Though with how Egret enjoys dressing you up, maybe it’d look like a class of all girls.”
Kurt shakes his head. “Ash I’m glad you stayed. You’re my friend.”
Ignoring that, huh? Ash smiles. “Yeah, you too.”
Ash looks forward to another year with Kurt.
Altina isn’t one to approach Ash often, so of course Ash is curious. It doesn’t cross Ash’s mind that Altina would want to address “that”.
“I wouldn’t be particularly sad if you left but the others would be. Definitely Rean, Kurt, Musse...”
“And people rag on me for not being honest.” Ash interrupts, laughing. “Well, I’d miss you, little rabbit.” He makes a show of reaching towards Altina’s hat and as expected, she steps back.
“Well, I wouldn’t miss your nicknames.”
“Of course not.” Ash grins. Even if someone just “said” they would’ve missed him, Ash couldn’t be that nice.
“I heard from Tita that you’re staying in school?”
An unexpected call about that? “Why do you know about it?” Ash asks. “Is this really some big deal?”
“Because we all care about you, Ash.”
Ash grumbles. “I guess.”
“No, he’s just being Ash…” Joshua coughs. “Sorry, Estelle was wondering about you.”
Ash groans. “I don’t want another goody two-shoes on my case.”
Joshua laughs. “Too bad. She likes you.”
“Anyway, I’m really happy for you. No matter what your mind says, you deserve to be happy. Trust me.”
“Thanks, Joshua.”
Ash will try his best to remember that…
“What the fuck?”
A few days ago Ash had received an unexpected call from Joshua, and now Lechter calls him to tell him about being student council president?
Lechter laughs. “Yeah, it was great. I got to meet a cute girl who could easily knock me out if she really wanted to.”
“Did you actually do anything?” Ash wonders.
“Sure, all types of stuff. I figured out the best hiding places and…”
“This is useless.” Ash hangs up. He should block that number already.
Although it is weirdly nice that Lechter checked in on him. But just a little bit.
Two Saturdays afterwards, Rean catches Ash on his way out of the school building.
“Ash, are you free? Wanna go to Barney’s?”
“Huh?” Ash is surprised. “Are you gonna buy me a drink?”
“If you want a cola.”
“Lame.” Ash shakes his head. “Seriously what’s with the sudden invite? You bribing me?”
“No I just wanted...” Rean coughs, clearly changing his mind. “Thanks for staying. I really do consider you a friend.”
“Well... You coulda kept me out of Student Council shit?”
Rean chuckles. “I’ll treat you, so?”
Ash shrugs. If Schwarzer really wants to, then...
“Whatever. Two colas though.”
“I wanted to catch you before I left.”
“What’s up Orlando?” Ash supposes it is the beginning of the new school year, so Orlando would leave now.
Randy grins. “Congrats on becoming student council president and staying another year.”
Ash shrugs off Randy’s hand. “It’s no big deal.”
“I might’ve considered staying had I known you’d become president.” Randy laughs when Ash groans. “But I rather go home.” His voice softens. “It’s nice having one, right? Don’t forget that.”
Ash grumbles, but deep down he knows what Randy means. He flips Randy off anyway.
Well, Ash supposes that’s… something...