Title: alright
Rating: T
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 779
Short summary: Kasane experiences her first signs of being in love and finally it comes to a head.

The increasing frequency that she’s felt her cheeks burn, her skin itch, her fingers twitch. She’s flustered and self-conscious, especially when she catches a glance. It’s the smile, the warm smile. It used to make Kasane feel supported, like a mentor to a student or like one teammate to another. Like they were friends. But now…

Damnit, why is Kyoka just so…

Kasane sure wished she had gone through puberty like a normal human being. It’s awkward feeling everything all at once. Feeling so anxious. Feeling so excited. Feeling so electric.

Of course the smile is just the start. Kasane could perhaps handle the smile if there wasn’t so much else about Kyoka that Kasane liked. Kyoka is, frankly, the most beautiful person in the world that Kasane knows. And she thinks about that beauty way too much.

Even though she’s too shy to even reach out with her hand to feel those long slender fingers entwined with her own. Even though she’s too shy to reach out with her hand to touch those shoulders, those arms, to even approach within that space where a touch could happen accidentally. Even though she’s too shy to even reach out with her hand to remove a stray leaf or flower petal from that purple hair.

She’s dreaming about burying her face against that long neck, those full breasts, that welcoming lap. She’s dreaming about touching all parts of that body, from the face to the shoulder to the waist to the hips to the thighs. She’s dreaming about pressing her body against that body, chest to chest, hip to hip, groin to groin…



“Are you alright? Do you need some water?”

Kasane had jumped when she heard Kyoka’s voice. She had jumped again when Kyoka’s hand landed on her head. Well, she didn’t literally jump but she had felt like her heart had nearly leapt out of her chest. And now she is just trying to calm herself down. Don’t think so hard. She’s not thirsty but…

“Y-yeah. That’d be great. Thanks.”

It’s easy to say. It elicits a smile from Kyoka. Ah, Kyoka always smiles when she is able to help someone. Kasane knows this but doesn’t believe she should take advantage of that, take advantage of kindness for selfish reasons.

Kasane watches Kyoka go fetch a glass of water. She admires Kyoka’s backside. She admonishes herself for this moment of self-indulgence. It was her mind thinking about Kyoka in an unprofessional manner that kicked off this whole situation. This whole…trivial yet massively awkward situation of Kyoka fetching Kasane water that Kasane doesn’t need to cool physical thirst, but rather…

“Kasane? Would you like me to help?”

Kasane finds a glass of water has been offered to her but she hasn’t reacted properly. Since when did Kyoka return? Kasane must have been lost in her thoughts for too long. She opens her mouth but no words come out. Her face flushes again.

Can this be over already? Can Kyoka just be mean for once and put Kasane out of her embarrassment? Or conversely…

“It’s alright to ask for things.”

Kasane’s eyes widen, trying to understand what Kyoka means. She’s motionless when Kyoka acts, taking a gulp of water but doesn’t swallow it. Instead she presses her mouth against Kasane’s, open mouth to mouth, transfers the water into Kasane’s mouth and much, much more.


Did Kyoka just kiss her? Is this the dream? Kasane finds herself flailing, Her hands reach out; Kyoka catches them with her own. The glass of water is forgotten somewhere as Kyoka leans close. Kasane’s eyes are still wide open when Kyoka’s lips meet hers once more. It’s a kiss… It’s a kiss!

Kasane closes her eyes, lets herself be lost in the situation. Lets Kyoka teach her how to kiss. Lets Kyoka teach her how to express her feelings, the romantic, the enthusiastic, the passionate. Lets Kyoka teach her how to be in love for the first time.

“I love you, Kasane.”

“I love you too, Kyoka.”

“I’m happy. I’m so happy.”

Kasane learns, later, that Kyoka too had her anxieties and excitement about this budding of feelings between them. That Kyoka had seen the signs but had overthought what it meant for a while. That Kyoka has not had much experience with love either.

She learns this while Kyoka gives her a beautiful, shy smile. An honest, heartfelt smile. And Kasane feels like she falls even deeper. But at least she has a rope to climb out of the well now when she needs to. Kyoka, her safety rope, her pillar, her guide. With her, Kasane knows that everything will be alright.

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