Title: a rare moment
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Xanadu
Relationship: Hiiragi Asuka/Hokuto Mitsuki
Wordcount: 175
Short summary: Mitsuki's happy about this tea break.

Asuka sets out the cookies. Mitsuki pours the tea.

3 PM on a Sunday afternoon in late February, a rare opportunity between their busy schedules and their obligations to spend some time together. Mitsuki can’t remember the last time she’s seen Asuka outside of a quick glance in the hallways at school. And soon Mitsuki will graduate and won’t even have that pleasure to look forward to every day.

Mitsuki could make more of an effort to see Asuka. Asuka could make more of an effort to see Mitsuki. However, their personal goals and ambitions currently have them walking down separate paths. At the same time, Mitsuki knows their paths will intersect over and over again. And maybe one day their paths will be perfectly aligned.

For now Mitsuki looks forward to these rare moments when Asuka’s soft smile is directed only at Mitsuki, when Asuka’s fingers intertwine with Mitsuki’s across the coffee table, when Asuka tugs and Mitsuki leans over and meets Asuka’s mouth with her own over the spread of tea and cookies.

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