Title: dream
Rating: G
Fandom: Blue Reflection, specifically Blue Reflection Tie
Relationship: Kinjou Yuki/Miyauchi Rena
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Rena feels everything is like a dream.

For a while Rena just felt emptiness. For a while Rena just felt pain.

But now Rena just feels warmth and light. Everything is like a dream. Every word, every gesture, every touch… The way Yuki smiles, laughs, runs, and jumps… The way Yuki lays her head right down in Rena’s lap and closes her eyes, so relaxed and indulgent…

In this oasis, in this tiny, fleeting world… Rena wants to stay here with Yuki. She understands the situation; she wants to save the world too, but… She doesn’t want to wake up from this wonderful dream, not just yet.

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