Title: Exhaustion/Rest
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Xanadu
Relationship: Hiiragi Asuka/Hokuto Mitsuki
Wordcount: 495
Short summary: Mitsuki is studying in the student council room when Asuka stumbles in.

Mitsuki had made herself comfortable in the student council room, not minding that the daylight was almost gone. She was in the middle of reviewing her history notes when she heard the door open. Mitsuki hadn’t expected Kyoka to show up just yet… She looked up from her desk to see Asuka barely standing up, hunched over and holding onto the doorframe for support. Mitsuki immediately stood up and made her way to Asuka.

“Mitsuki?” Asuka’s had forced her gaze upwards, but her eyes were half-closed. Mitsuki frowned, wondering why Asuka seemed surprised she was here.

“Were you not expecting me to be here?” Mitsuki used this room often even if she had no student council work, for it was a quiet room ideal for studying without distractions… At least on most days. She supposed she didn’t necessarily stay this late, but Kyoka was running an errand for Grandfather and was going to pick her up later.

“No, not exactly…” Asuka looked guiltily towards the floor.

These were signs that Asuka had overdone her training. Most likely Asuka had trained to exhaustion again using her Omega Drive. “Asuka!” Mitsuki scolded. Still Mitsuki took Asuka’s free hand and pulled her away from the doorway. Asuka stumbled along, making it halfway into the room before pulling away from Mitsuki and sinking to her knees.

“I…need to lay down…just a bit…”

Mitsuki sighed. “Fine. I won’t rat you out.” She made sure Asuka was sitting and not swaying before retrieving the futon that was kept here in case of emergencies. She set the futon on the floor near her desk and Asuka crawled on top of it. “You better not do this again,” Mitsuki warned.

Asuka laid down on the futon. “Mitsuki…sorry…” Within a minute, Asuka was asleep.

Mitsuki went back to storage to find a blanket and draped it over Asuka. “Sleep well, darling.” She kissed Asuka’s forehead before returning to her desk. After only a few minutes, Mitsuki found herself migrating with her school notes to the futon, where she sat next to Asuka’s sleeping form. Hearing Asuka’s steady breathing calmed Mitsuki down.

Mitsuki had moved on to Japanese literature notes when her Xiphone beeped. She let Tokisaka know that Asuka was here, but a few minutes later he opened the door and ran inside. “Hey Mitsuki, is Asuka…?”

“She’s fine, don’t worry.” Tokisaka’s eyes moved from the empty desk to the futon on the floor. He looked a bit confused as to why Mitsuki would be sitting there until he noticed the sleeping lump under the blanket.

Tokisaka looked relieved. “Well then, I’ll leave her in your care.” He gave Mitsuki a wave and left the room quietly. Once the door was closed, Mitsuki looked down upon Asuka’s sleeping form again. Asuka had said “just a bit” but she looked too peaceful to disturb right now. Mitsuki decided, after brushing her fingers gently across Asuka’s cheek, that she would let Asuka sleep until Kyoka arrived.

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