Title: late night coffee time
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Relationship: Aoi Itsuki/Tsurugi Yashiro
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: Itsuki makes a coffee for Yashiro late night.


Yashiro graciously accepted a steaming mug of coffee from Itsuki, who had just finished making coffee for two. Yashiro scratched out his remaining thoughts before taking a sip of the hot, bitter liquid.

“Staying up late isn’t good for your health, you know.” Yashiro’s gaze lifted from his notes to Itsuki’s face. Itsuki was smiling, but he also looked terribly exhausted.

“Says the one giving me coffee.”

“Yeah…” Itsuki sighed and pulled some papers out of his briefcase. “The things we do for love,” he muttered.

In this scenario, “love” was for their jobs. While Yashiro was reviewing his current acting role, Itsuki was dealing with the constant supply of contracts.

“I suppose at least we are staying up late together.” Yashiro smiled wryly.

Itsuki laughed. “That’s not romantic at all.”

Even so, Yashiro was okay spending time together like this. It was better than no time at all.

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