Title: omurice
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 440
Short summary: Kyoka makes Kasane some food that for once isn't censored.

“Wow, that’s…”

Kasane looks at the plate that is set before her and blinks to double-check that her eyes are working, because that is food that was made by Kyoka’s hand, right? That’s definitely the omurice that she talked about making for Kasane for weeks, with a custom flower drawn on top of it in ketchup. And not only can Kasane smell it, she can see it. Her vision is not being censored whatsoever.

“Is it okay?”

Kyoka clasps her fingers to her chest, obvious nervous about Kasane’s reaction. Kasane gives Kyoka a wide smile.

“Yeah. It actually looks pretty good.”

Kyoka exhales. “That’s a relief. All that practice with Yuito is finally paying off.”

But just because it looks good, it doesn’t mean Kasane’s safe yet. She’ll take bland since it’ll probably still be better than emergency rations they eat when they stray far from their moon base on Other hunts. But it’s still Kyoka’s cooking, and although she’d like to trust it more, the history suggests… So she plunges her fork into the omelet, looking for the egg outside to split open easily and reveal fried rice, and so when that test is passed too, Kasane has to put the mixture into her mouth. And…it’s decent.



“It tastes pretty good too.”

It’s not Naomi’s cooking, of course, or even Yuito’s cooking. And Kasane would probably still consider herself a better cook. But she’ll gladly eat the rest of this, although she thinks Kyoka should try some too.


“You should taste it yourself.”

“Oh, okay.”

Kyoka accepts the forkful that Kasane thrusts at her, only for Kasane to belatedly realize that oh, this is kind of…domestic? Then again, Kyoka making her food is at the same level, right? Still, Kasane’s cheeks heat up a little. Even though they have confessed to each other, and Kyoka worked so hard to finally join Kasane on the moon after doing her mandated community service, they just… They just haven’t had moments to be like this. This is the stuff Naomi loved to read about in those books. And while Kasane isn’t as much of a fan of romantic stories…

This is nice.

“You should eat more of it. I made it for you, after all.”

Kyoka at some point has whipped out a second fork, one that is aimed towards Kasane’s mouth. Kasane nods.

“Well, then. Thank you, Kyoka.”

And nothing else needs to be said when there are smiles and gestures instead, as the omurice is slowly shared between the two of them, until only two forks, laid on top of each other, and an empty plate remain.

But afterwards, maybe…

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