Title: relaxation
Rating: T
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Marisa/Tethys
Wordcount: 375
Short summary: Tethys thinks Marisa should relax, especially her posture...

“Oh, Marisa!” Tethys sings out as she enters the room.

Marisa, hunched over the bag she’s repacking, looks up at Tethys with a raised brow. She’s probably confused as to why Tethys has called out to her like this, but Tethys has a good reason. Even if she respects some aspects of how Marisa lives her life, namely taking her time out of a fast-paced life to pause and organize, Tethys thinks Marisa doesn’t need to be so serious about it. Or at the very least, not do so with such bad posture.

“If you keep sitting like that, you’ll become old in no time!”


Tethys sighs. The poor girl is going to ruin her look if she continues to hunch over like that! She decides an intervention is necessary. She kneels behind Marisa and taps Marisa’s spine with her fingers lightly. She can’t help but giggle when she sees Marisa shudder at each tap.

“See? You’re too stiff.”

Tethys teases more with her fingers, tapping lower and lower, until they reach the curve near the bottom. She then switches from taps to light caresses and the way that Marisa sucks her breath and her back leans into the touch… Oh, Marisa really is too cute. It just invites Tethys to tease her more.

“That’s right. Relax.”

Tethys knows Marisa is flustered. Her cheeks are probably a delicious pink. Tethys could probably embrace her without any pushback, or perhaps do even more. But it’s definitely much more fun to tease. So Tethys draws back, standing up and smirking as she sees Marisa fall backward a bit before Marisa’s innate sense of balance catches up and swings her body back forward.

“And if you want more, you know what to do.”

With that said, Tethys climbs onto the bed on the far side from the door. She lays down and stretches and maybe, just maybe, shows off just how limber her body is. And maybe this catches Marisa’s eye, and maybe the bed dips when another weight joins Tethys on the bed.

And maybe they partake in an activity that isn’t just “relaxing”, but… When it comes to getting Marisa to let down her hair, to work on her posture…it certainly gets the job done.

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