Title: Taking control
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Xanadu
Relationship: Hiiragi Asuka/Hokuto Mitsuki
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: Mitsuki's biggest lesson from last summer was the fact she had the power to take control of her life.

Mitsuki took away many lessons from the events last summer and fall, but the biggest lesson she took was that she had the power to take control of her life.

Sure, she always had the ability and confidence to tackle any problems thrown her way, whether it was for her friends, the school, or for Zodiac. Yet for some reason she never thought the same about her own life, buckling to the pressure to hold up her family’s name, to bolster their standing with a strategic marriage.

Now, though, she has no arranged marriage in sight, no restrictions on how she spends her free time, who she sees, what they do together. If Asuka is over almost every weekend and spends Saturday night in Mitsuki’s room… Mitsuki knows that people gossip but it’s not their business what the two of them do alone together. Even Grandfather knows he can only learn what Mitsuki is willing to tell him, which primarily consists of Mitsuki’s investigations into what Asuka’s favorite tea and cookies are, but occasionally she’ll let slip some news on Asuka’s enforcer training because Mitsuki can’t help but be proud about Asuka’s hard work and achievements.

(He doesn’t need to know, though, how warm Asuka makes Mitsuki feel when she leans against Mitsuki’s shoulder while they study, or how even warmer Asuka makes Mitsuki feel when they share kisses before bed, or how much Mitsuki melts every time Asuka runs her fingers through Mitsuki’s hair…)

Mitsuki’s relationship with Asuka… is a little bit out of her control. After all she’s not sure how Asuka feels about long-distance. But for the first time Mitsuki has truly taken control over her life, and every moment she spends in Asuka’s embrace reinforces just how right this is for her present and her future.

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