Title: that kiss
Rating: G
Fandom: Suikoden, specifically Suikoden 2
Relationship: Camus/Miklotov
Wordcount: 155
Short summary: A subordinate asks Miklotov about his first kiss.

“My first kiss?” Miklotov repeated, the words feeling strange on his tongue. Miklotov was not used to being asked a question like that, but he supposed becoming closer with his new subordinate and telling him to relax was allowing for more and more personal questions to occur. Miklotov didn’t mind; it was more that he didn’t quite remember the details. Miklotov tended to categorize his events in his mind with short summaries; Camus was the one who remembered their first kiss in exquisite detail.

“Sorry if that was rude to ask,” his subordinate said nervously. “I was just c-curious. You don’t have to answer.”

Miklotov smiled. “No, it’s fine.” He chuckled. “It was just unexpected.”


Miklotov was not sure why his subordinate was so interested. “It was good, but you should ask Camus about it.”

“It was with Camus? I knew it.”

“I didn’t say…” Miklotov blushed. “Oh well. I guess it was inevitable.”

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