Title: two things
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokimeki Memorial Girls' Side, specifically TMGS4
Relationship: Marie/Kazama Ryota
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: Anyone who enters the Kazama house notices two things.

Anyone who enters the Kazama house notices two things.

First, there are numerous trinkets from all over the world. A very eclectic collection of them, although they all seem to be toys aimed for children that attend summer festivals.

Second, there is always the lingering sweet smell of cookies. Even if the house look completely clean and no one was actively baking, it always had that sweet smell.

These things, of course, don’t bother Ryota at all. Marie finds it a little strange that Ryota’s interests have not changed over the years, but he always gathers her into his arms and tells her things never have to change. Not now, anyway.

Because these two things have been their things since childhood. It carried on for 10 years, 20 years already. And Ryota hopes it will continue for 30 years, 40 years, 50 years… However long their lives will last for.

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