Title: a changed (de)man
Rating: G
Fandom: Sorcerer’s Choice Angel or Demon
Relationship: Lobelia/Lucil
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Lucil changed him.
Before he met Lucil, Lobelia would have described himself as smart, clever, and clearheaded.
Smart? Lobelia soon realized his knowledge of humans from books was not nearly enough to understand Lucil at all.
Clever? Lobelia had Lucil guessing for a while, but the way his contract unraveled nearly ruined everything.
Clearheaded? Lobelia found himself unsure how to treat Lucil when his own feelings towards Lucil became muddled. To use him as was his right or to refrain and let the one he loved be free…
Lucil changed him. Whether this is good or bad... It doesn’t matter to Lobelia anymore.