Title: good and bad
Rating: G
Fandom: Heart of the Woods
Relationship: Abigail Dalsing/Madison Raines
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Maddie will show Abigail everything the outside world offers.

“So this is an airplane!”
“So this is a shopping mall!”
“So this is fast food!”
“So this is a…”


After showing Abigail so many “exciting” things, Maddie laughs at Abigail’s clear disappointment at this park being less beautiful and less magical than the woods of her former home. Then again, while many things about the world outside those woods are wonderful, there are some things that are not. And Maddie would be remiss not to show Abigail this part of the outside world too.

After all, they love each other, regardless of all the good and the bad.

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