Title: long hair
Rating: G
Fandom: Lilja and Natsuka Painting Lies
Relationship: Lilja Meri/Utsugi Natsuka
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Lilja has always had long hair.

Lilja has always had long hair. She has always felt its weight pulling at her skull whether tied up or cascading down her back.

But until recently she hadn’t experienced how much the wind could play with her hair. As the wind dances with her strands, she can feel them tangling once more. Maybe this is why Natsuka keeps her hair short.

When Lilja brings up cutting her own hair short...

“It’d be such a shame!” Natsuka exclaims as she brushes Lilja’s hair again. “I love it…”

“Like you love me?”

The hairbrush stills for a moment. “Yes!” And resumes…

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