Title: snow in summer
Rating: G
Fandom: Lilja and Natsuka Painting Lies
Relationship: Lilja Meri/Utsugi Natsuka
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Lilja experiences a little (real) snow in June for the first time.


Natsuka’s shout explains the ticklish feeling - snowflakes are landing and melting instantly against her skin - but the wetness surprises Lilja.

“Not bad compared to the ‘snow in summer’ that you showed me.”

That is a pleasant memory for Lilja, but Natsuka is still shouting.

“It’s June! It’s not supposed to be snowing! Lilja, we need to go back inside! I don’t want you to catch a cold.”

“I suppose I’m not an idiot.”

“Of course not!”

Lilja laughs as she lets Natsuka wheel her inside. Well, it’s not like she’d complain about Natsuka taking care of her…

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