Title: too much
Rating: T
Fandom: Blackberry Honey
Relationship: Lorina Waugh/Taohua
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: This is...too much right now for Lorina.

“This is not…”

“Oh, but you would look so cute in that.”

Yes, Lorina didn’t have much in terms of clothing and her nightgown was becoming threadbare, but this... Shopping for fancy nightclothes was not how she imagined the beginning of her new life with Taohua would go.

“It’s too much just for something to sleep in.” Too fancy, too much money…

“But is it really just for sleeping in?”

The way that Taohua smiles only makes Lorina’s cheeks flush, her heart beat faster. Surely Taohua isn’t thinking about that right now?

Taohua’s laugh suggests otherwise. “My dear sweet Lori…”

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