Title: unintentional (good)
Rating: G
Fandom: Atelier Sophie
Relationship: none
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Sophie spies a hotter flame in Logy’s shop.

“Is it just my eyes or…?”

Sophie considers herself an all-arounder as supposed to a specialist but she believes in her eyesight. So when she enters Logy’s shop and sees the flames dancing more than before…

“Yes, the flame is indeed hotter.” Logy looks proud of that, Sophie thinks.

“That’s good?” She doesn’t want to assume, though.

Logy nods. “Thanks to all the materials you keep gifting me.”

Sophie recalls what she has given to Logy lately. Red stones, red cores, red ores… She had been offloading extras…

“Well, you’re welcome!”

It wasn’t intentional… but she’ll still accept the thanks.

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