Title: outside (inside)
Rating: G
Fandom: Hana ki sou
Relationship: Hanashiro/Kuroto
Wordcount: 250
Short summary: Kuroto enters their house and sees blood red around Hanashiro’s mouth.

Hanashiro has blood red streaks on his face, near his mouth, but it doesn’t seem to bother him at all. Kuroto balks at the sight; he wants to scold Hanashiro but stops himself. Waits one, two, three seconds, then exhales.

It’s berry jam. It’s not actually blood. Kuroto scolds himself for assuming the worst.

For Hanashiro is not that type of person. Sure, Hanashiro has never been the most even keeled. Even when he tried to act disaffected, there was always something boiling underneath, threatening to spill over. Anger, agitation, frustration… lately it has been more often excitement and joy. For they live now as normal humans, enjoying life together, its simple joys and its simple troubles…

Hanashiro is no longer forced to kill. Kuroto is no longer forced to die. The blood red that Kuroto imagined is a relic of the past, hopefully buried forever.

…He does trust Hanashiro. But sometimes he trusts Hanashiro’s innate tendencies too much. His protectiveness. His inability to stay calm.

(His ability to kill without hesitation…)

“Oh! Kuroto! These pastries are really good! You should have some too!”

“Sure. And you should stop eating them. I’ll make you eat extra vegetables tonight.”


Kuroto chuckles as he takes a bite out of the offered pastry. The filling spills out, making a mess. Had Hanashiro been too busy stuffing his face earlier? Seeing how Hanashiro eyes the remaining pastry in Kuroto’s hand, well…

Hanashiro will be getting extra vegetables tonight. But just a little extra.

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