Title: turning it around
Rating: G
Fandom: Perfect Gold
Relationship: Audrey Clary/Marion LaRue
Wordcount: 350
Short summary: It starts with Marion envying a look. It ends with…

Marion is used to feeling insufficient when she goes shopping with Simone, but now, looking at these clothes, she’s finding the same feeling creeping up on her with Audrey. Sure, they have a difference in dress style, but Audrey is just…gorgeous. Tall and fit and regal enough for this royal purple jacket.

“Marion? Is something wrong?” Audrey’s voice cuts through Marion’s thoughts.

“Nah, just…” Marion bites her lip, trying to think of a good pivot. Audrey hates when Marion gets down on herself, even if in Marion’s opinion some things are just facts. Oh, yes, uh… “I think you should buy that jacket.”

“Really?” Audrey’s eyes sparkle. “I was considering it, but thought maybe it would be too brazen…”

“Oh, definitely not! You’d look so good in it!”

Okay, this is a bit pot calling kettle, but so what if Marion hates when Audrey gets down on herself? It’s just not right!

“Then, I should buy it?” Audrey is becoming more convinced.

“Yes you should!” Marion exclaims. Then a second later, she realizes there’s a better solution. “I should buy it. Because my girlfriend deserves presents!”

Audrey opens her mouth to retort but Marion wags her finger. Nuh-uh, Marion will not let Audrey protest. Even if she didn’t plan to buy Audrey this jacket (she probably has enough money to…hopefully…), when the thought comes to mind, Marion just has to execute. Anything for her Audrey!


“No worries, I got this!” She gives Audrey a reassuring smile. “But if you want to pay for dinner later, I wouldn’t mind,” she adds with a wink.

That’ll cover her base, and Audrey will also be happy to do so, which means no silly arguments over who owes who what and more time to just enjoy being girlfriends. If that’s not hitting two targets with one arrow…

“Alright. I’ll make sure we have dessert tonight too.”

Oh, score! Marion can’t wait to order some cake and share it… And this coming from turning about her little downer moment. Well, Marion can’t help it! Audrey just brings the best out of her, every time.

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