Title: grounding
Rating: G
Fandom: Great Ace Attorney
Relationship: Asougi Kazuma/Barok van Zieks
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Kazuma and Barok thought Barok would be able to handle the ocean, but they were wrong.
Kazuma didn’t realize that Barok would be wrong about his ability to handle the ocean. Perhaps Barok’s memory was wrong or that 10 years of poor self-care really changed his constitution. Nevertheless the person Kazuma hoped to help him weather the rolling waves was rather unsteady, and they couldn’t even spend much time outside of the room without feeling seasick.
But at least Barok had brought books and was determined to read. Even if that meant Kazuma held the book open while Barok read it out loud beside him. It did mean they spent much time cuddled together, something they only did previously at night to help them sleep. Barok had refused Kazuma so many times, saying it was “unsightly” or “unprofessional” or “unnecessary”. But now Barok clung to Kazuma like a pillar of support, like his grounding.
Maybe this would be the thing that brought them closer together. Maybe Kazuma would be able to ask for more. Maybe he could start to ask for it after a long day at the office, or in the morning before leaving bed, or after they made love…
But first they needed to survive this steamboat trip. All plans could start after that.