Title: (im)proper ways
Rating: G
Fandom: Great Ace Attorney
Relationship: Asougi Kazuma/Barok van Zieks
Wordcount: 225
Short summary: Barok feels they would not need to spend so much time in front of mirrors if Kazuma actually wanted to do something about it.

“You really take your time in front of the mirror, Barok.”

“I would not need to spend so much time here if you would learn to properly fix your…”

Barok shakes his head. It’s a daily argument in the upstairs bathroom of the Van Zieks manor, one that could be quickly solved by Kazuma if Kazuma actually wanted to do something about it. And yet Barok would never trade these silly moments for the silence of the past 10 years. He suspects that Kazuma does this on purpose, leaving his hair messy, his cravat crooked. If just so Barok has to puts his hands on Kazuma’s…

“My what?” Kazuma laughs. “My expression? I think you know why I am smiling so much.”

“Because you like to cause me hassle…”

“Because you are smiling, Barok.” Kazuma wears a self-satisfied smirk. “See?”

“I am just…”

But Kazuma closes in before Barok can fully voice his objection, pressing his lips against Barok’s. Okay, Barok will admit that his lips were curved upwards in a “smile”. He has to when Kazuma provides the evidence with his own mouth.

“I win.”

“I suppose you do.”

Barok looks at the mirror, sees that Kazuma’s hair is still messy, and decides that it can be fixed later, after he thoroughly kisses Kazuma back for all the cheek he is showing this morning.

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