Title: a mountain of…
Rating: G
Fandom: Witch on the Holy Night
Relationship: Aozaki Aoko/Kuonji Alice/Sizuki Soujyuro
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: Aoko is annoyed she got “tricked” by her lovers into spending vacation in the mountains.

Aoko doesn’t know why she is out here in the middle of mountain wilderness on one of her precious vacation days. Why would she ever…oh, right. She got tricked into it. Because Alice, of all people, said it would be nice to see Soujyuro’s old home. The indoor bookworm who rarely did any extra outside activity unrelated to her craft wanted to experience the mountain. And Soujyuro said the hike wouldn’t be so bad.

The hike was bad. Aoko is still all sweaty and gross because it takes so long to heat the bath up here that she’s still waiting for it, half an hour later. Meanwhile Soujyuro has just decided that stripping his upper body was sufficient for cooling down, and it’s just so distracting. Alice is just…observing everything quietly, her eyes flicking between Aoko’s aggravated face and Soujyuro’s muscles.

“Don’t worry, the water will be ready soon. Then I can start making dinner.”

Aoko perks up at the idea of Soujyuro making dinner. Wait, that was another way she was tricked into coming up here! She can’t stop being mad yet!

“I’ll help wash your hair, Aoko.”

Aoko can’t help but smile. Alice doesn’t normally pamper her, but when she does, she’s so good with Aoko’s hair. But that’s also a trick…right? These two…are feeling a bit guilty about Aoko’s bad mood?

The Aoko of three years ago wouldn’t have noted any of this. But after becoming this “thing”, she notices it all the time. She’s not kind; she just doesn’t want to lose to Alice and Soujyuro is…still kind of her “pet” so… Anyway, she will relent for now. Maybe she’ll be in a good enough mood after the bath to offer to wash the dishes. That’ll treat them!

(Is she tricking herself now? Well, who cares.)

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