Title: at the bar
Rating: G
Fandom: Amnesia Memories
Relationship: Heroine/Ikkyu/Kent
Wordcount: 550
Short summary: This is how it’s like when the three hang out at the bar.
Note: the Heroine's name is Anna in this fic.

Glass tilted backwards, liquid swallowed. Ikki is already well-settled with his first drink when his first companion arrives. He had flirted with the female bartender just a little bit, but they both knew that it was just a bit of entertainment to kill time before the bar got busier. It’s because this bartender doesn’t fall for his looks like 90% of the women out there that Ikki and his lovers have become regulars at this bar.

“You finally made it,” Ikki says to Kent as the taller man sits down, his bag hitting the floor. “Too many admirers catch you on your way out?”

“That’s a weird way to refer to my advisor,” Kent grumbles in response as he runs a hand through his hair. “He wants me to teach another class.”

“Then, I wasn’t wrong about admirers.” Ikki laughs. “Just early. Remember how Anna was one of them?”

Kent smiles wryly. “She’s a special case. I don’t want any more, based on what I’ve seen.”

He fixes a hard look on Ikki. Ikki just shrugs and motions for the bartender to get him another drink.

“You know, she’s entertained the idea of moving to bartending in the future.”

“Hmm?” Ikki watches as Kent takes a moment to piece together what Ikki is referring to. Kent frowns. “I’m not so comfortable with the idea of Anna having to deal with drunk customers. At least the Masters at Meido no Hitsuji have to obey certain policies.”

Ikki nods. “She should be able to stay behind the bar, but…” He finds that a different bartender has delivered his drink, a new guy as far as Ikki can tell, one with a slender build and pretty face. It gives Ikki a thought.

“Maybe it’d be okay if you also became a bartender alongside her.”

Kent cocks his head. “Me? A bartender?”

“I think you’d look quite handsome in that uniform.”

Kent glances over at the male bartender than back at Ikki. His face looks a little flushed. “Did you think the same when you convinced me to work at Meido no Hitsuji back then?”

Ikki smiles slyly. “Maybe.”

“I think you both looked very handsome.”


Kent perks up at the sight of their girlfriend, dressed in a business suit and skirt combo. “Did the meeting go well?” Ikki asks.

“Yes, I think so.” She sighs. She looks more relieved than happy.

“I’m sure you did great,” he assures Anna, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “And if they don’t take you, well they didn’t deserve you anyway.”

Kent laughs. “Ikkyu would say that, since you are the light of his life.”

“Hm?” Anna purses her lips. “Then what are you, Kent?”

“My shield,” Ikki declares.

That gives Anna a moment of pause before she leans back giggling. “You’re right. A nice, big shield.”

And by instinct Kent catches her before she leans too far back, steadying her with his strong arm. He blushes when he realizes this only proves their point.

“Well, if we have this all figured out… What is Ikkyu to the both of us?”

Anna doesn’t hesitate to answer. “Eye candy.”


Now it’s Ikki’s turn to blush. These conversations about nothing and anything… This is just how it goes every time they hang out at the bar.

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