Title: catch on
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side, specifically TMGS3
Relationship: Bambi/Hanatsubaki Karen
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: Miyo muses on Bambi and Karen’s flirting.

Miyo is watching her two friends obliviously flirt in front of her. Or rather, Karen is completely oblivious to how her statements are coming off while Bambi responds hesitantly, testing the waters.

Miyo is sure of it. She’s always been great at gauging how people feel for each other. But she just observes. Because there’s no point in pushing these two together yet, when neither of them understand. A relationship requires both sides to put in the work. It won’t last otherwise, and Miyo does not want that to happen to her friends.

Her friends, so bright except in the ways of love. Karen, the bright and shining school volleyball star and model. Bambi, the bright and high-achieving top exam scorer and future Rose Queen. They would make a really attractive couple. They would be so good together.

But Miyo will be patient and wait for them to catch on.

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