Title: a date at the summer festival, finally
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side, specifically TMGS3
Relationship: Bambi/Taira Kenta
Wordcount: 400
Short summary: They finally have a date at a summer festival.

“Want to go over there? It looks less crowded.”

“That sounds good.”

Wading through the crowds at this beachside summer festival is like swimming through a human ocean. While others are busy playing festival games and eating festival foods, Kenta and Bambi are just holding hands and enjoying the atmosphere. It’s a funny feeling finally having a date like this when neither did anything like it in high school. Even now a little bit of intimacy feels so special. The way that Kenta smiles and blushes so shyly when he so much as takes Bambi’s hand while they walk around the festival just makes him look years younger, like a first-year high schooler instead of a first-year university student. But then again, is Bambi that much different? Kenta might have been too shy to ask her out over those three years but it’s not like Bambi was helpless. She could have been more assertive, she could have called out to him even more, but…

“What do you think of this?”

Bambi is surprised when Kenta slides a seashell necklace over her head. The seashell ends up resting just below her collar bones; she’s not sure if the chain is too short or too long. But then Kenta snaps a photo and shows her, so she can see… Ah, it’s shaped like a heart, but the cream white color of the shell makes it more subtle against her light peach skin. It’s a very Kenta-like object. She finds herself attached to it already, even if there are likely more options…

“I love it.”

“Huh? Really?” Kenta is blushing as he scratches the back of his head. “I was mostly thinking about my own tastes but…”

“It means we share them,” Bambi reassures him. “Thank you.”

“No problem!” Kenta perks up. “Oh, just keep it on.” He fumbles with his wallet. “I’ll just be a minute...”

Bambi laughs quietly when he opens his wallet and lets out a relieved sigh. He’s been treating Bambi all night because he claims that he has always wanted to go on a date like this, and Bambi has only allowed it because she’s planning to do the same on their next date. He doesn’t know that she will and he’ll probably show initial resistance, but she’ll win him over.

Besides, if he’s going to walk forward, she will be by his side, taking the same path.

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