Title: a different start, the same result
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side, specifically TMGS4
Relationship: Marie/Kazama Ryota
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: While watching fireworks together, Marie shares a thought with Ryota.

There’s a warm summer breeze that tickles Marie’s nose. There’s the smell of fried food both sweet and salty. There’s the sound of children playing, teenagers laughing, adults chatting.

It’s a nostalgic feeling. Once again they visit the summer festival on the mountain wearing yukata. Once again Ryota buys her a small orange pinwheel. Once again Marie twirls the orange pinwheel toy in her hand as they sit together and watch the fireworks.

“What are you thinking about, Marie?” Ryota asks, his breath tickling Marie’s left ear.

Marie smiles. “Nothing important…”

How many years has it been? 3, 4, 5 years since they started dating? 15, 16, 17 years since they first met?

“I wonder what if it would have been like to meet you for the first time in high school instead.”

Ryota laughs as he pulls Marie closer with his right arm. “Well, I’m not sure if I would have returned to Japan had we not met as children, but…”

Marie turns away from the fireworks to look at Ryota directly, into his loving eyes. Ryota reaches out with his left hand to cup her jaw, and the only thing Marie can think of is Ryota’s presence, his warmth.

“I’m pretty sure I would have fallen for you regardless. Because you are just as…no, even more precious to me now than you were back then. Your smile, your gentle kindness… It’s even more visible now than ever.”

Marie blushes at Ryota’s sweet words. If she didn’t know him so well, she’d think he was just sweet-talking, but the love he has shown her over the past few years has proven otherwise.


She doesn’t have the same gift of words, so instead she propels herself forward until their lips meet, to tell him she feels the same way.

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