Title: found
Rating: G
Fandom: Hana ki sou
Relationship: referenced Hanashiro/Kuroto, Kurotaka & Kuroto
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: The world Kurotaka knew has ended, but this “new” world is…

Although the world will continue on without interference from the Creator, the world as Kurotaka knew it has ended. The cycle of killing and death, of reviving and life…it has been cut. The two fated ones, the white and the black, the savior and the destroyer, no longer have to play those roles.

And Shirofukuro…

Kurotaka would be sad now if he wasn’t happy that his protégé is living a peaceful life with his lover that they both deserve.

Kurotaka would be bored now if he didn’t have so much to look forward to seeing in the world for the first time.

Kurotaka would be lonely now if he didn’t have plans with old acquaintances and future friends.

Freedom feels strange for someone who always had a role, even if he performed it “freely”. Unlike Shirofukuro, who needed to be found, Kurotaka was the finder.

And this time he’s found...

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