Title: our dreams
Rating: G
Fandom: Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
Relationship: past Minato Ai/Mizutani Natsuki
Wordcount: 250
Short summary: 2 x 100 + 50. They dream a happy dream. Is that so wrong?

Ai dreams.

In her dreams, she’s older, less clumsy, more responsible. More in control, more competent. Smiling much more, laughing much more.

And by her side, she’s supported with love, overwhelming love. Natsuki’s love wraps all around her, both literally and figuratively, in every interaction between them, and even the times when they are apart. When there is any trouble, she just has to think of him and the trouble immediately lessens two-fold. She’s like a princess and he’s like her knight in shining armor.

Everything is wonderful, like a fairy tale, so she must be happy here, right?



Natsuki dreams.

In his dreams, he’s older, stronger, wiser. He has everything under control and nothing much to worry about. He can smile, he can laugh, he can speak freely.

And she’s by his side, always. She’s there when he wakes up and when he goes to bed, when he leaves the house and comes back from work. She’s there when he needs encouragement, when he needs comfort, when he needs to relax. She’s there with all her love, all her warmth, all her gentleness.

Everything is wonderful, like a fairy tale, so he is definitely happy here, right?



It’s a dream, only a dream, made by children for children. For the six-year-old children who found their first love but never grew out of it. It’s silly, unrealistic, and yet…

Is it wrong to hold on to such a dream? To want a happy ending?

They don’t think so.

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