Title: pool fun
Rating: G
Fandom: Witch on the Holy Night
Relationship: Aozaki Aoko/Kuonji Alice/Sizuki Soujyuro
Wordcount: 450
Short summary: The trio go to the pool one hot, sunny summer day.

If someone had told Soujyuro that he’d be in an outdoor pool with two beautiful women, he’d probably wonder if said person was crazy. First of all, the idea of a pool itself was rather foreign to him, although the idea of swimming itself was not. Second of all, he considered himself an “ordinary” guy and being in an extraordinary relationship, not just with one magecraft user but two of them… Well he supposes that relationships like this are not unusual in the wild. Aoko does chide him about his uncivilized ways, but then she smiles when she admits reluctantly that he’s right about this. Meanwhile, Alice, of all people, seemingly figured out what was going on between the three of them first. She’s always lived by her own principles; just because they are in this relationship, it doesn’t mean that Alice and Aoko are running away from the possibility that in the future, the two of them may fight each other to the death.

Although Aoko suggests that Soujyuro will be far away, oblivious to the result, no longer remembering who they once were. Soujyuro hopes that means that this will be very far in the future, because he certainly doesn’t plan to forget anything he has experienced with these two if he can help it. Aoko wanted him to forget once before but she couldn’t bring herself to execute the process then. Alice told him, later, that it was likely because he had saved Aoko’s life and she just couldn’t forget that debt.

Well, the two of them have saved his life too, although one could say they brought him into danger in the first place. Soujyuro doesn’t know if he believes in fate; he’s always been better at reacting than instigating. Things just happen to him and he deals with it. Just like this trip to the pool on a hot, sunny summer day.

“Soujyuro! Help me drag Alice into the pool!”

“I’m perfectly fine reading…”

“What’s the point of coming to the pool if you aren’t going to swim? You even put on a swimsuit!”

“So? It’s expected attire for being poolside.”

“Yes, because you were swimming! So come on! Soujyuro’s no fun in the pool.”

“Wait, are you saying…”

Soujyuro realizes, when Alice is splashed with pool water, that he’s not been “fun” because he’s spent most of the time in the pool actually swimming and not splashing. Well, it seems Aoko is in a playful mood. He could try to join in now that he knows what’s going on but…

Nah, it’s more fun watching Aoko and Alice have a splash fight while his face stays relatively…oh, he’s not going to let that slide…

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