Title: summer haze
Rating: G
Fandom: Witch on the Holy Night
Relationship: Aozaki Aoko/Kuonji Alice/Sizuki Soujyuro
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: Summer in the manor has a different feel.

Soujyuro didn’t realize how comfortable he had become in this place until one day he woke up sweating due to nothing but heat, and he realized it was already summer. Meaning Soujyuro had moved into the Kuonji manor over six months ago and had just never left.

That December…it had been cold, although nothing he couldn’t handle, and it had been rather quiet for the most part. There was the occasional snow, there was the cold wind. There was lounging in the sunroom, there was cleaning of dead branches and leaves and weeds.

Summer in the manor has a very different feel. There is the summer rain, there is the humidity. There is fanning oneself while drinking cool drinks, there is taking naps in the shade.

There is the fact that Soujyuro often works outside shirtless. There is the fact that Aoko lounges about in shorts that reveal her long legs. There is the fact that Alice doesn’t always wear black.

There are more looks exchanged between the three of them. Soujyuro has never quite hidden his interest, but he catches himself looking more often than he’d like. He feels the gazes in return; Aoko blushes about it when she’s caught, while Alice hides her face behind a fan.

It’s too hot to sit close together, but sometimes Aoko’s fingers linger when they brush against Alice’s upon handing her a cool drink. Sometimes the two of them actually offer to wash dishes and do so huddled together.

It’s messy, whatever is going on between them. Soujyuro knows he is rather behind on understanding social clues but even so he knows this isn’t typical. It’s not bad necessarily, but… They might be all trapped in a summer-induced haze, but…

Soujyuro will trust his instincts, like always, to guide him through this.

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