Title: the fan
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokimeki Memorial Girls' Side, specifically TMGS3
Relationship: Bambi/Taira Kenta
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: When Kenta comes back tired and sweaty after retrieving their drinks, Bambi pulls out a fan to cool him down.


Kenta thrusts out two cool juice bottles. Bambi takes one gratefully but allows her touch to linger on his arm, letting him know everything is alright. This brings a big smile to his face as he takes a seat next to her on the grass. Oh, he looks so tired, sweaty, and more importantly, relieved.

Still, she can’t help but pull out her fan from her bag. He’s run around too much; the least she can do is help cool him down. Even if he didn’t have to go around quite so fast, Bambi knows Kenta well enough to know that he wouldn’t listen anyway. It’s his innate nature to help and serve and put himself second; there are only so many times she’s able to catch him before he acts. But she can’t say she hates it…

“Thanks, Bambi,” he says, leaning closer. Well, at least he’s letting her fan him. She does her best to create a nice breeze. It’s only when he pulls back that she stops.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, it’s… It looks really nice!”

The fan? Bambi doesn’t think it is particularly special…oh.

“Of course it does.” She smiles. “Because you gave it to me.”

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