Title: with fireflies
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side, specifically TMGS4
Relationship: Marie/Kazama Ryota
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: Ryota wants this moment with Marie to go on forever.

Standing together in the pagoda, surrounded by glowing fireflies, they look at each other, and Ryota wants this moment to go on forever.

She’s just so enchanting. He can’t look away, can’t focus on anything but her: her face, her hands, her expressions…

The fireflies hover close and he wishes they would land on her face, her hair, her shoulders. So he has an excuse to touch her. He holds himself back; they are just friends even if he likes her so much more than that. Even if she is so important to him that he moved back just to be with her for a few years…

But she doesn’t need to hear those words from him right now. She just needs to be right here, so beautiful, with her open smile, her gentle warmth. And Ryota can revel in her presence, engrain it into his mind, and never forget...

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