Title: amber
Rating: G
Fandom: The Caligula Effect Overdose
Relationship: Amamoto Ayana/FeMC
Wordcount: 685
Short summary: Ritsu pulls Ayana aside upon the Go-Home’s meetup at Sea Paraiso. Together alone, Ayana finds it hard to look at those amber eyes for too long, but…

“Ayana, you know where the restroom is, right?”

“Huh? Uh, yes, of course!”

When Ritsu pulls Ayana aside, Ayana is flustered but eager to leave the group just the same. Ayana even has a reason to go to the restroom; her hands are sweaty already just from the trip to get to this place. On her way to Sea Paraiso she had thought about so many worrisome situations, about whether everyone would act like the same people she had become friends with while in Mobius or it had all been an illusion. And of course she was especially worried about meeting Ritsu in real life. She worried about whether Ritsu would look the same, would act the same, would feel…

(She feels the same, but…)

“It’s really you.”

Those are the first words out of Ayana’s mouth when the two of them are finally alone in the restroom. She’s found it hard to look at Ritsu directly for too long. Until this anxiety calms down…

“Of course.”

And with two words, with that confident and cool voice, Ayana can finally look at those amber eyes.


And then she falters. Those beautiful and kind eyes…see right through her. See every doubt, every fear, every bit of…

“You’re feeling guilty about being relieved.”

Ayana sighs. Well, there’s nothing to hide, nothing she can hide from Ritsu. “Yeah…”

But Ritsu doesn’t let Ayana despair. “Ayana,” she says, taking Ayana’s hands. “I wouldn’t have accepted your confession if I was lying to you. I know that you can’t just overcome your anxieties and fear, of men especially, just by making a few male acquaintances in Mobius.”

And then she squeezes Ayana’s hands firmly. “I’m proud of you. For recognizing you still have a ways to go, but coming here anyway.”


Ayana wonders if it would be okay to fling herself into Ritsu’s arms. If she can have Ritsu hold her up because she almost wants to collapse from the relief. Thankfully Ritsu reads Ayana’s mind and releases Ayana’s hands in order to put her hands on Ayana’s upper arms, to hold Ayana upright.

“Let’s help you get over your fears, one step at a time.” Ritsu’s words are as steady as her hold on Ayana’s body. “I’ll be there every step of the way.”

Ayana gulps and nods. “Thank you…” She feels tears well up and blinks rapidly, to clear them away, to be able to look directly into those lovely amber eyes. “Thank you so much, Ritsu!”

Ritsu chuckles. “No need for thanks. I’m your girl, right?”

“Yes!” Ayana flings her arms around Ritsu and holds her tight for a moment. “You really are…”

Her love confession had been accepted back then, but with the collapse of Moebius soon afterwards, the two of them hadn’t revisited the topic. Hadn’t had that conversation that finalized what they would call their relationship. Ayana doesn’t care that this is happening right now in a restroom of all places. She feels her heart overflowing with warmth; maybe she has fallen even more in love with Ritsu!

Ritsu giggles in response to Ayana’s delight. Even Ayana can see it clearly across her face via the mirror; she almost looks a little crazy right now! But she is so, so happy! She should probably wash her face to cool it down and…

“Yeah, we should head back before the others start to worry.”

Ayana hums as she washes her hands, with Ritsu using the next sink over. After their hands are nice and clean and dry, Ayana reaches out. Ritsu grabs onto the offered hand. They walk out of the restroom hand in hand.

“One step at a time,” Ritsu whispers as they get closer to where the rest of the former Go-Home club members are gathered. “You got this, Ayana.”

Ayana looks into those amber eyes one more time. “Yes. I’m ready.”

And if they return to some loud questioning mixed in with some teasing words, Ayana is okay. Actually she is more than okay; she’s so happy, to celebrate their real life reunion with her girlfriend and her club friends…

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