Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Ayana/FeMC fics

Note: I commonly name FeMC as Ritsu. It will always be noted in the fic notes which name I use though.

Title: amber
Note: written for the 100 ships challenge. FeMC is named Ritsu.
Rating: G
Wordcount: 685
Short summary: Ritsu pulls Ayana aside upon the Go-Home’s meetup at Sea Paraiso. Together alone, Ayana finds it hard to look at those amber eyes for too long, but…

Title: enough for now
Note: written for Femslash 52 drabblethon - 2023, prompt = confession. FeMC is named Ritsu.
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Ayana, after she confesses her thoughts and feelings to Ritsu…

Title: impact
Note: written for Femslash 52 drabblethon - 2023, prompt = impact. FeMC (named Ritsu) is trans in this ficlet.
Rating: G
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: It’s hard to fully state the impact that Ritsu has had on her.

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