Title: impact
Rating: G
Fandom: The Caligula Effect Overdose
Relationship: Amamoto Ayana/FeMC
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: It’s hard to fully state the impact that Ritsu has had on her.
Note: FeMC (named Ritsu) is trans in this ficlet.

Ever since that day, Ayana had lived her life cautiously, always looking around for the enemy, preparing to attack and flee if necessary. That’s why Moebius at first felt like a paradise. Ayana could finally relax her guard and actually enjoy her life, actually enjoy going to school, to restaurants, to shops, or just generally going outside.

But it was all a sweet, unsustainable lie. A lie made by Moebius but more importantly, a lie she told herself. Because she missed her family. She missed her father and her brother. But she was so, so scared that…

That she would hurt them. Because she still flinches. Because she still raises her fist, her shaking fist, and wants to run right through them. Right through men. Although some men are fine.

And some may have parts of “men” but are actually beautiful women. Like Ritsu, her wonderful, beautiful, amazing girlfriend.

It’s hard to fully state the impact that Ritsu has had on her. Ritsu has opened her eyes, but she did so in such a supportive way. She let Ayana voice all her fears, she listened and held out her hand. She embraced Ayana, she revealed her own truths, her own ugly truths. They both hated men for different reasons but neither were sustainable reasons. More than anything, they were both afraid, they were both hurt.

But with each other they found love. Ritsu brought love to Ayana and Ayana embraced it. And with love they could see the truth. That the real world is more important than this fake Moebius paradise. That they have things they regret doing, saying, and feeling. That they have things they need to do.

But Ayana doesn’t need to be alone. She can do this, and everything else, with Ritsu by her side forever more.

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