Title: one person's trash is another's…
Rating: G
Fandom: Ar tonelico, specifically AT3
Relationship: Cocona Bartel/Sasha
Wordcount: 250
Short summary: Hikari is witness to Cocona gifting Sasha some…trash? But apparently that’s a great gift.

“Here you go!”

“Wow! Where did you find this?”

Hikari, a few steps away, watches as Cocona hands a piece of scrap metal almost the size of her body over to Sasha who accepts it with clear excitement in her eyes.

“In the dumpster outside of Archia tech. There’s all kinds of crazy stuff there.”

Hikari frowns. “That’s the reason you went back in there?”

When Cocona had asked Hikari if it was okay to go back into Archia tech, he thought maybe she had dropped something accidentally on the ground. Not that she spotted something she wanted to gift to her girlfriend.

“Thanks so much, Cocona!”

Hikari is distracted a bit by how the two of them act so close; this must be more how they are like when they are alone together. It’s awkward for him to witness and to be forgotten so he coughs, catching their attention.

“Richa will probably get mad if she finds out so…” he warns.

“So don’t tell her until we make something cool out of this. Right, Sasha?” Cocona replies with a wink.

Sasha giggles. “Yeah. Now let’s get to work.” She turns her attention away from Hikari. “Cocona, can you get the hammers and stuff?”

Cocona is already moving before she’s been asked. It’s kind of sweet to see the two like this, but…

“I guess I better pretend I never heard any of this…” Hikari mutters to himself before walking away. It’s better to let those two enjoy themselves anyway.

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