Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Cocona/Sasha fics

Title: a quiet celebration
Note: written for Femslash February 2022, prompt = constellations.
Rating: G
Wordcount: 260
Short summary: Cocona enjoys listening to Sasha go on about stars as they quietly celebrate the world being saved.

Title: even just for hugs
Note: written for Ladies Bingo Round 10
Rating: G
Wordcount: 593
Short summary: Cocona stops by Sasha’s store, surprising her with a sudden hug. It appears she is quite homesick.

Title: one person's trash is another's…
Note: written for Domaystic 2022, prompt = a treasure in the dumpster.
Rating: G
Wordcount: 250
Short summary: Hikari is witness to Cocona gifting Sasha some…trash? But apparently that’s a great gift.

Title: your shine (inspires me)
Note: written for Femslash February 2022, prompt = shine.
Rating: G
Wordcount: 450
Short summary: Sasha gets to congratulate Cocona again when Cocona stops by after her performance.

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