Title: a quiet celebration
Rating: G
Fandom: Ar tonelico, specifically AT3
Relationship: Cocona Bartel/Sasha
Wordcount: 260
Short summary: Cocona enjoys listening to Sasha go on about stars as they quietly celebrate the world being saved.

Cocona knows Sasha pretty well at this point, so she just listens as Sasha tells her about her latest observation regarding the constellations in the sky. Of course when Sasha gets like this, half of the time Cocona loses the thread almost immediately. But she loves hearing Sasha talk so excitedly, so she doesn’t have the heart to interrupt. It does leave her a bit at a loss as to what to say when Sasha asks her a question though.

“You know, I never paid much attention to the stars until now,” Cocona has to admit sheepishly as she scratches the back of her neck. “I mean, they are pretty? But…”

Sasha laughs. “You traveled by airship and still didn’t give them a thought? But I suppose we made sure your ship would take you exactly where you needed to go.”

“And it didn’t matter so much when they shot me down anyway,” Cocona grumbles. “I should complain to Jacqli when I see her next.”

Sasha giggles. “She’ll say you should have learned to pilot for real.” She leans against Cocona’s left arm. “Well, it all turned out fine in the end.”

“Yeah…” Cocona twists her left arm around Sasha’s right. “I hope they come find us soon.”

“I’m sure they will.” Sasha motions up at the sky once more. “Now, if we go by astrology, I’d say…”

And once again Cocona loses the thread but she enjoys Sasha’s voice and the beautiful starry sky. It’s certainly not a bad way at all to celebrate the world being saved, right?

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