Title: "sweetheart"
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Awakening (FE13)
Relationship: Lissa/Maribelle
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: When Robin congratulates Lissa on getting together with her “sweetheart”, Lissa ponders the term.

When Robin congratulates Lissa on advancing her relationship one step further with her childhood sweetheart Maribelle, Lissa dumbly nods but gets stuck on the word “sweetheart”. Well, Lissa supposes she would call Maribelle her “sweetheart” if she used endearments, just like Maribelle calls her “dear”, but saying such a word is kind of embarrassing? Lissa has always just thought of Maribelle as Maribelle. Her precious friend, now her precious partner, but really not much has changed. It’s just realizing what has always been there.

But maybe she will use “sweetheart” on Maribelle just to see what expression Maribelle will make…

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