Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Lissa/Maribelle fics

Title: promises
Note: written for Lissabelle week 2019, using all prompts in one fic
Rating: G
Wordcount: 663
Short summary: Some dreams can never come true, completely, but they can promise to make as many of them become true.

Title: sleep, my dear
Note: written for Femslash February 2024. Uses prompt = staff + sleep from FEFemslashWeek.
Rating: G
Wordcount: 305
Short summary: Unfortunately Maribelle has to resort to using a sleep staff to finally get Lissa the sleep she needs.

Title: "sweetheart"
Note: written for Femslash 52 drabblethon - 2023, prompt = sweetheart.
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: When Robin congratulates Lissa on getting together with her “sweetheart”, Lissa ponders the term.

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