Title: sleep, my dear
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Awakening (FE13)
Relationship: Lissa/Maribelle
Wordcount: 305
Short summary: Unfortunately Maribelle has to resort to using a sleep staff to finally get Lissa the sleep she needs.

Maribelle really didn’t want to resort to this, but she really couldn’t think of any other way. No amount of food or distractions or weapons training can do anything about the fact that Lissa really needs to sleep, and she’s not been able to do it herself.

It’s been one of the most difficult things to bear witness to, the deterioration of Lissa’s spirit following Emmeryn’s sacrifice. Chrom had not looked much better at first, but somehow even he managed to find rest. Even he has approved of Maribelle taking the sleep staff not to an enemy but to his own sister.

And Lissa… Lissa has consented, but…

But Maribelle’s hands still tremble while she holds the staff, aims the staff. The problem is if Lissa is anticipating the spell, it’s less likely to work on her. Even if Lissa approves, it goes against Maribelle’s instinct to do anything that could hurt Lissa. The act of raising a staff in an attacking way against the one she loves most, from behind, in surprise… It feels like the worst combination.

She presses her lips tightly, repeats to herself that this is for Lissa’s sake. Lissa wants her help, Lissa needs her help, it’ll be okay…


When the spell hits, and when Lissa starts to stagger, Maribelle runs and catches Lissa, holds Lissa upright in her arms. Tears fall down her cheeks as she tightens her hold around Lissa. Oh, poor dear, it’ll just be for a day but… When Lissa wakes up Maribelle will treat her to the best sweets and tea and…

“Sleep, my dear Lissa.”

Kiss her softly, lovingly, and give her any other comforts she needs. But for now, Maribelle will bring Lissa to bed and lay beside her, to recover and greet her with the biggest smile when she wakes again.

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