Title: wet
Rating: M
Fandom: Starlight Vega
Relationship: Lyria/Aria Reid
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Aria has learned that sex (love) is anything but “dry”.

Sometimes it’s glaringly obvious that everything about this relationship, from the feelings of love to the sexual desire, overwhelms Aria. It’s not bad, just a lot to take in.

Aria wasn’t totally ignorant about sex, but sex ed was more focused on how someone might get pregnant or get STDs. The assumption was that sex feels good (or who would do it?), but class was taught in such a dry way that Aria never thought about how opposite of “dry” the actual acts are. Aria didn’t know she could even get wet in those areas, let alone that wet…

Lyria has been a much better teacher. She may be a little impatient, but she always makes sure Aria is enjoying herself and experiencing pleasure. She always asks before trying something new, lights up when Aria comes up with a suggestion. Aria has learned that Lyria is open to all kinds of positions, all kinds of tools to add to the experience. It’s impossible for Aria to surprise Lyria.

But fundamentally it comes from the same base. Between all the kisses, the sucking and the licking, the love they make is very “wet” and Aria wouldn’t want it any other way.

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