Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Aria/Lyria fics

Title: different
Note: written for Femslash February 2023, prompt = different.
Rating: T
Wordcount: 127
Short summary: Aria wonders sometimes if she could regret staying in Vega.

Title: needy
Note: written for Ladies Bingo Round 10
Rating: T
Wordcount: 729
Short summary: Aria didn’t think she was a particularly needy person, but maybe she feels that when Lyria is away for too long…

Title: play
Note: written for Femslash February 2023, prompt = play.
Rating: T
Wordcount: 419
Short summary: Lyria keeps asking Aria to act her part in that old play. Aria finally figures out why.

Title: wet
Note: written for Femslash 52 drabblethon - 2023, prompt = wet.
Rating: M
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Aria has learned that sex (love) is anything but “dry”.

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