Title: different
Rating: T
Fandom: Starlight Vega
Relationship: Lyria/Aria Reid
Wordcount: 127
Short summary: Aria wonders sometimes if she could regret staying in Vega.

Aria wonders sometimes, when she’s all alone because Lyria is busy with her official duties, if she could regret staying in Vega, leaving her mother behind, her school life, Earth in general… Because Vega is just so different from Earth. Vega is still a strange place, disconcerting, confusing. Aria’s trying to adapt but she’s also in the awkward position of being ignorant and yet not allowed to be educated by the masses because she’s tied to royalty. And also, her best point is not her brain, that’s for sure.

But then Lyria returns to their bed at night, makes love to Aria, holds her and cherishes her…

So there’s one thing that’s not different, that won’t change: Lyria’s love. Thus Aria will never regret staying in Vega.

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